Bengkulu City is the second largest city on the west coast of Sumatra Island, which continues to adapt to increasingly advanced technological developments. One of them is shown by how the Bengkulu City Government continues to improve Internet services to encourage all of its people to keep abreast of current digitalization developments. With digitalization, it is hoped that people, especially the younger generation, will become more creative and connected to the global world.

In line with this, Biznet has been present in Bengkulu City since 2022 with the best Internet services supported by integrated digital infrastructure. It is hoped that the presence of Biznet in Bengkulu City will not only support the acceleration of digitalization to answer the community's need for quality Internet in Bengkulu City.

Biznet Branch Offices in Bengkulu City

No Branch Name Address Phone Number

Biznet Broadband Internet Comparison

Biznet Home

Internet service for home/apartment users.

  • Symmetrical download and upload
  • Accommodate 1-40 gadgets including computers / tablets / smartphones
  • Speed from 50 - 125 Mbps
  • Dynamic Private/Public IP Address
  • Email, web browsing, video streaming
  • Prepaid payment method
  • Monthly fee from Rp 350,000
Biznet Metronet

Internet service for SMB (Small Medium Business).

  • Symmetrical download and upload
  • Accommodate 1-80 gadgets including computers / tablets / smartphones
  • Speed from 50 - 150 Mbps
  • Dynamic Private/Public IP Address
  • Email, web browsing, download, video conference
  • Prepaid payment method
  • Monthly free from Rp 1,150,000
Biznet Dedicated Internet

Internet service for large-scale company with large bandwidth requirements.

  • Free of Fair Usage Policy (FUP) / Unlimited Quota
  • Symmetrical download and upload
  • Accommodate 1-80 gadgets including computers / tablets / smartphones
  • Speed from 60 Mbps - 10 Gbps
  • Static Public IP Address
  • Email, web browsing, download, VPN, video conference
  • Postpaid payment method
  • Monthly fee from Rp 6,000,000

#PakeBiznet Now!

1. Biznet Fiber network will cover all areas throughout Bengkulu City

In 2023 Biznet will expand our network and coverage area in Bengkulu City, to provide the fast and stable WiFi Internet service that will support the changing trend of home and business activities to online.

Under development
Plan Route 2022 - 2028
Existing Route
Branch Office

If your housing complex or properties are still not covered by Biznet Fiber network, please contact our team via Live Chat or email to

2. Stable & Fast Internet

To support Work from Home and School from Home activities, a stable and fast WiFi Internet service is the main requirements for people to have a smooth digital activities.

3. The Best Price

Biznet offers the best service packages designed to meet customers from various segments including corporations, SMBs, or individuals/home users.

About Bengkulu City

Bengkulu city is located in a coastal area directly facing the Indian Ocean. The city has an area of 144.52 kmĀ² with an average elevation of fewer than 500 meters. As an area on the coast, Bengkulu City does not have an area that is more than 30 km from the coast.

This city has a variety of fascinating historical stories and interesting tourist destinations to visit. One that is famous for the beauty of Bengkulu is the Raffles which was first discovered by Stamford Raffles and Dr. Joseph Arnold in 1818. This Raffles flower is one of the largest flowers in the world, in particular the Rafflesia Arnoldi flower with a width of 70 to 110 cm, which is a unique species and rare.